Minggu, 06 Januari 2019

➢ Contoh Tugas Membuat Paragrap Koheren Linguistic And Nonlinguistic Problem Abdi Desa

Untuk membuat kalimat yang baik maka harus koheren dimana antara satu kalimat dengan kalimat lainnya menyatu.

Berikut salahsatu contoh tugas pembuatan paragrap yang koheren yang bisa menjadi referensi dalam menyelesaikan tugas kuliah.

sedikit mengenai paragrap koheren bahwa kira mesti menentukan ide utama terlebih dahulu, kemudian batasi ide utama tersebut dengan beberapa pembahasan saja.

Seperti yang rertulis dibawah ini. Batasan penulisan ini hanya mencakup masalah linguistik dan non linguistik. Sehingga di dalam paragrap tersebut hanya membicarakan tentang masalah linguistik dan non linguistik.

Batasan ini yang menjadi acuan penulisan berikutnya. Sehingga penulisan fokus pada satu tema yang sudah ditentukan.

imageBerikut contoh paragraf yang koheren:


There are two problems faced by the learners in learning English as foreign language, namely linguistic and nonlinguistic problems. Linguistic problem is the factors which come from the language itself such as pronunciations, grammar structures, and vocabularies. First of all, Pronunciation problem is problems how to produce good sound of vowel, consonant, and diphthong by learners as foreign language. They also face the problem how to stress and to intonate the word with different stressing and intonation from each mother tongue. Second, the learners face problems of grammar structure. In English, sometimes we read an article that have same word in one sentence such as I bear a bear, I fish a fish, and etc. in placing of word on grammar structure can influence its meaning. They have to place the correct grammar structures like how to use verb, noun, subject or tenses in a sentence. And the last, the learners face vocabularies problem. The vocabulary problems are consist of lexical problem like she washes, idiomatic problem like gone away, problem of collocation like consist of, and syntactical problem like noun phrase; the doctor, verb phrase; has taken, and adjective phrase; dark clothes. The learners have to memorize the using of language rule. Meanwhile, non-linguistic problem is the problem that come from the learners themself. There are consist of motivation, self-confident, and fluent. The learners who have not motivation in learning English as foreign language can make them unconfident to their skill. So, they cannot speak English fluently. In conclusion, language is a communication. They not only learn how to speak, how to form a sentence, how to produce good sound, but also they have to practice it in their daily life with high motivation and self-confident. By learning of these problems, the learners can be a good English learning, not only in writing but also can speak well and fluently.  

Bagian 3: membuat paragraf koheren

Source : https://www.abdidesa.com/2018/11/contoh-tugas-membuat-paragrap-koheren.html

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